domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

Common Mistakes

Now I will show you a list of my common mistakes.

1) This, These

"These" is used for plural, and "This" is used for singular.
I could use 'these' in "These exercises are easy" and 'this' in " This exercise is easy"
2) Whit, With

This one is the mistake I use commit the most,

We use "With" to link two words, and "whit" when we are talking about a pinch, dash, shred, ounce, trace.
Example: Yesterday I went to the beach with my family"

3) Don't, Doesn't
Incorect way: He don´t...     I doesn't...
We use "Don't" when we talk about "I", "You", "We", "They".
Example: I/You/We/They Don't need this.
We use "Doesn't" when we talk about "He", "She", "It".
Example: He/She/It Doesn't need this.

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