jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Interview to Usher


  1. What tv show did he star in as a mentor?
  2. How did he feel participating in the show?
  3. What is Usher's second name?
  4. What is the name of his last cd?
  5. Where does Usher get his inspiration?
  6. How many kids does Usher have?
  7. What does he think about fatherhood?
    A1: Usher was a mentor on American Idol
    A2: Happy and grateful
    A3: Usher's second name is Raymond
    A4: Raymond vs. Raymond
    A5: He gets his inspiration of his life experiences
    A6: Usher have two kids
    A7: He thinks is great because according to him is grateful that someones is happy when you arrive home