viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Letter to a friend


Hey dude, 

As you know I'm a fan of rugby and I've played it for almost five years. Also, you know that it's not a sport where you can't get injured, so here's the thing, I was playing and on a rug someone hit me on the nose, and it broke. It was not a very good view with all the blood on the ground and in my hands, but I'm okay, it doesn't hurt at all!

Well, this happened during a trip so I didn't go to the hospital immediately, I didn't took too much care of it, I said "when I go back to Viña I will go to the hospital"... Bad idea.

Now I just came back from the doctor and, guess what? I need a surgery, yeah, but like I'm two months, my nose is a bit crooked to the left. 

The operation is basically breaking it again and putting all the pieces back in place. 

Hope to see you soon!
Your bro: Juan C. Manriquez B. 

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