viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

Healthy Life Style 400 words

  Eat Healthy and Save your Life!
Some Tips To Have A Healthy Life:

Guidelines of Healthy Eating:
Most school people, think that is a moral thing eat healthy, but is a fact that "The Departments of Healthy and Comunity Services and Education" do guidelines to eat equally and healthy.

The guidelines are based on the nutrition piramid, that usually told us not to eat the bad things that people eat. To do what the pyramid says, you have to eat at diferents times of the day, and the most important is your breakfast, and also the snack, were a lot of the people eat junk food.

The snack, is a usual lunch at people, especially for the children, that became fat and obese. But is not only his fault, but the parents, who gives the children the food, ignoring that in the future, this can be danger for their children. Vegetables and fruit, especially the last, is a good snack, that people can eat, cause this things have a lot of key nutrients like fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron, B vitamins and magnesium. Also the doctors, recommend eat this things at least one time at the day.

But fruit and vegetables aren't the only type of food that is recommended. Also it is recommended to eat:

  1. Grain Products: That have iron, B vitamins, and magnesium - Recommended to eat at least one time-
    2. Milk and Alternatives: That include vitamin A, D, protein, zine, magnesium, riboflavin, and vitamin B12. But drink it 1 or 2 times each day
    3. Meat and Alternatives: That content a lot of protein, and also iron, vitamin A, vitamin B and zine. It can taste good, but eat it just what you need, or mix it with a salad.
These things are the most recommended, but ear it with a limit, cause all things in excess are bad. Mix things and have a balanced diet, make sure that you still ear all this things at least one time in the week.

Try to promote this in your children's schools, for example, with offer fruits cups in the school canteen, cafeteria and vending machines, sold dried fruits in kiosks. Finally is your decide , take the initiative, and save your life, and the life of the others of diseases. But be careful, before you buy food, take a look to the nutrition labels, and prevent allergies...

Take the right choose, eat healthy.

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

Peer Assessments

Here you can see some photograph of posters and his note:
1.- Jose Diaz's Poster:
2.-Matias Valenzuela's Poster:

domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Healthy Food Lifestyle (200 words)

Today I'm going to talk about a very mentioned topic this days, Healthy Lifestyle. This is talked very oftenly this days because of the increase of the childhood obesity, there are many programns that promote the consume of healthy food and to have a sport life, an option to apply this ideas is to teach the childs from very young to choose alternative foods like vegetables and fruits. There are many options at the schools, for example nuts, fresh fruits, portions of fruits (without sugar), etc. Have an active sports life is also important in a healthy lifestyle, because isn't very useful if you are thin and you don't have strenght, an active life is very useful, because it gaves you a healthy hearth and improves your physical condition. But the Healthy Lifestyle is not based only on eat vegetables and fruits like many people think, also it's about eating proteins (meat), calories (bread, cereals, weath, etc), dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc), and sometimes fats (butter, candies, chocolate, etc), is very important to have an equilibrium between all the mentioned types of food, proteins, vitamins and dairy products more than fats, because this three are the most useful products for your body.