lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013
domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013
Section 3, Task 3
It was 25th of August, 3 days before the birthday of my best friend. All of us were planning what to do to celebrate his birthday. Then someone proposed a surprise party.
We thought that it was the best thing, because everyone likes good surprises and because it would be great.
Planning the party wasn't easy. We had to tell everyone, and we had to be very careful, otherwise my friend could hear about this. Also, we had to buy all materials. Food, materials, decorations, etc.
When the party came, I went to my house with my friend, while the others were preparing last details of the party. The sent me a message "PP" that meant everything was ready. I went with my friend, and when he entered and heard the "SURPRISE!!!!" he couldn't even believe it! He was so happy and amazed about the party that he almost fainted! And that is how it was made the best surprise party to a friend.
Task 5, Section 1
Dear Josh,
Thanks for informing me about your recent idea of being a TV presenter. I
think it is a very good idea.
It will be very important to become a TV presenter to be very funny,
positive and active. People want a good presenter but if you don't have that
characteristics, you will fail.
You will find some difficulties, for example, the journalists. They will
always try to let you down. You have to be emotionally strong. I think that if
you use this advice, you will be very successful as a TV presenter, and maybe I
will see you in TV shows many times.
I hope you can be a good presenter.
Section 2, Task 2
The new leisure centre that you opened last week isn't accepted here in the
area. Everyone thought that this could be a great idea but now everyone hates
The first problem of it, is that it's appearance is boring. The main thing
that can make people to go to that leisure centre is the appearance. If you see
this leisure centre from the outside your will know that it will be boring.
Another thing is that when you enter, there is nothing to do! There's only 1
ride that is aceptable, Because the others are for 5 year-old kids. I think
that the reason why this is boring is because it has only three rides! There
is a solution, make new rides with a good design. If you make these new things
people will be attracted and all of them will go.
Juan C. Manriquez
Task 3, Section 1 (Fixed Version)
Hey Bro,
What's Up?
yesterday I was chilling at internet and I found this awesome contest!
It's a snowboard competition, and the only thing you need to do is be the most original person doing tricks. You have to pass through obstacles too, otherwise you will get disqualified.
The prize is the best part, if you win, you will have the chance to meet... SHAUN WHITE!!!
I'm definitely going to participate, this weekend I will go to a snow park to practice my jumps and to be physically and mentally prepared to this contest. Hope to see you there!
Juan C. Manriquez
Task 5, Section 2
Sport Evets - Unaceptable Things
One of the things that makes people go mad when watching sports is the bad application of the rules, this doesn't happen usually, but when it does, affect everyones mood.
Last day I was watching a Rugby match and I noticed that the player that made the last Try was touching the border line, I fist tought that the second referee will notice about it but after a while of waiting nothing happened.
I think the organizers need to have more ways to know if the player is respecting the rules or not, here are some suggestions to make the match more fair for every team:
Juan C. Manriquez
One of the things that makes people go mad when watching sports is the bad application of the rules, this doesn't happen usually, but when it does, affect everyones mood.
Last day I was watching a Rugby match and I noticed that the player that made the last Try was touching the border line, I fist tought that the second referee will notice about it but after a while of waiting nothing happened.
I think the organizers need to have more ways to know if the player is respecting the rules or not, here are some suggestions to make the match more fair for every team:
- Cameras that record many angles of the field, like border lines, ingoal, etc.
- Referees with a better capacitation to judge the matchs better
- More extrict rules that penalizes the players that don't respect the rules
Juan C. Manriquez
Section 3, Task 5
Place to visit in Winter Vacations!
A place you must visit if you have a free weekend at this winter is "Puyehue Spa & Resort", at this place you can relax at the thermal waters all day long or enjoy the variety of activities that the Hotel offers, also the hotel has a buffet restaurant where you can enjoy a five stars breakfast, lunch and dinner. the most popular activities of the hotel are:
Juan C. Manriquez
A place you must visit if you have a free weekend at this winter is "Puyehue Spa & Resort", at this place you can relax at the thermal waters all day long or enjoy the variety of activities that the Hotel offers, also the hotel has a buffet restaurant where you can enjoy a five stars breakfast, lunch and dinner. the most popular activities of the hotel are:
- Bowling, here you can enjoy every night with your family or friends playing until 11:00 pm.
- Horse Rides, Enjoy the landscape passing through the most beautiful places in the fields.
- Spa, here you can relax and take massages and hot rocks treatments
- Leisure room, here you can have a free time and play Pool, Ping-Pong, Poker or any other table game with family and friends
- Thermal Waters, the hotel counts with one indoor thermal water pool, two thermal water Jacuzzis, and two thermal water out door pools
Juan C. Manriquez
Common Mistakes
Now I will show you a list of my common mistakes.
1) This, These
1) This, These
"These" is used for plural, and "This" is used for singular.
I could use 'these' in "These exercises are easy" and 'this' in " This exercise is easy"
I could use 'these' in "These exercises are easy" and 'this' in " This exercise is easy"
2) Whit, With
This one is the mistake I use commit the most,
We use "With" to link two words, and "whit" when we are talking about a pinch, dash, shred, ounce, trace.
Example: Yesterday I went to the beach with my family"
3) Don't, Doesn't
Incorect way: He don´t... I doesn't...
We use "Don't" when we talk about "I", "You", "We", "They".
Example: I/You/We/They Don't need this.
We use "Doesn't" when we talk about "He", "She", "It".
Example: He/She/It Doesn't need this.
This one is the mistake I use commit the most,
We use "With" to link two words, and "whit" when we are talking about a pinch, dash, shred, ounce, trace.
Example: Yesterday I went to the beach with my family"
3) Don't, Doesn't
Incorect way: He don´t... I doesn't...
We use "Don't" when we talk about "I", "You", "We", "They".
Example: I/You/We/They Don't need this.
We use "Doesn't" when we talk about "He", "She", "It".
Example: He/She/It Doesn't need this.
lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013
lunes, 1 de julio de 2013
Healthy Life Style
Here is the video that we had to do to YouTube, and in our case, about the "Healthy Food":
Survey of Healthy Eating and Life
Here is the link of our survey, about, what it say in the title, Healthy Eating and Life:
viernes, 28 de junio de 2013
Healthy Life Style 400 words
Eat Healthy and Save your Life!
Some Tips To Have A Healthy Life:
Guidelines of Healthy Eating:
Most school people, think that is a moral thing eat healthy, but is a fact that "The Departments of Healthy and Comunity Services and Education" do guidelines to eat equally and healthy.
The guidelines are based on the nutrition piramid, that usually told us not to eat the bad things that people eat. To do what the pyramid says, you have to eat at diferents times of the day, and the most important is your breakfast, and also the snack, were a lot of the people eat junk food.
The snack, is a usual lunch at people, especially for the children, that became fat and obese. But is not only his fault, but the parents, who gives the children the food, ignoring that in the future, this can be danger for their children. Vegetables and fruit, especially the last, is a good snack, that people can eat, cause this things have a lot of key nutrients like fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron, B vitamins and magnesium. Also the doctors, recommend eat this things at least one time at the day.
But fruit and vegetables aren't the only type of food that is recommended. Also it is recommended to eat:
Some Tips To Have A Healthy Life:
Most school people, think that is a moral thing eat healthy, but is a fact that "The Departments of Healthy and Comunity Services and Education" do guidelines to eat equally and healthy.
The guidelines are based on the nutrition piramid, that usually told us not to eat the bad things that people eat. To do what the pyramid says, you have to eat at diferents times of the day, and the most important is your breakfast, and also the snack, were a lot of the people eat junk food.
The snack, is a usual lunch at people, especially for the children, that became fat and obese. But is not only his fault, but the parents, who gives the children the food, ignoring that in the future, this can be danger for their children. Vegetables and fruit, especially the last, is a good snack, that people can eat, cause this things have a lot of key nutrients like fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron, B vitamins and magnesium. Also the doctors, recommend eat this things at least one time at the day.
But fruit and vegetables aren't the only type of food that is recommended. Also it is recommended to eat:
- Grain Products: That have iron, B vitamins, and magnesium - Recommended to eat at least one time-
2. Milk and Alternatives: That include vitamin A, D, protein, zine,
magnesium, riboflavin, and vitamin B12. But drink it 1 or 2 times each day
- 3. Meat and Alternatives: That content a lot of protein, and also iron,
vitamin A, vitamin B and zine. It can taste good, but eat it just what you need,
or mix it with a salad.
Try to promote this in your children's schools, for example, with offer
fruits cups in the school canteen, cafeteria and vending machines, sold dried
fruits in kiosks. Finally is your decide , take the initiative, and save your
life, and the life of the others of diseases. But be careful, before you buy
food, take a look to the nutrition labels, and prevent allergies...
Take the right choose, eat healthy.
miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013
lunes, 24 de junio de 2013
domingo, 23 de junio de 2013
Healthy Food Lifestyle (200 words)
Today I'm going to talk about a very mentioned topic this days, Healthy Lifestyle. This is talked very oftenly this days because of the increase of the childhood obesity, there are many programns that promote the consume of healthy food and to have a sport life, an option to apply this ideas is to teach the childs from very young to choose alternative foods like vegetables and fruits. There are many options at the schools, for example nuts, fresh fruits, portions of fruits (without sugar), etc. Have an active sports life is also important in a healthy lifestyle, because isn't very useful if you are thin and you don't have strenght, an active life is very useful, because it gaves you a healthy hearth and improves your physical condition. But the Healthy Lifestyle is not based only on eat vegetables and fruits like many people think, also it's about eating proteins (meat), calories (bread, cereals, weath, etc), dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc), and sometimes fats (butter, candies, chocolate, etc), is very important to have an equilibrium between all the mentioned types of food, proteins, vitamins and dairy products more than fats, because this three are the most useful products for your body.
jueves, 20 de junio de 2013
miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013
Fossil Fuels Here is the Presentation!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTE: I made a graphic but it doesnt show at the presentation :,( I dont know why!
NOTE: I made a graphic but it doesnt show at the presentation :,( I dont know why!
miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013
Letter to Auntie Alice
Dear Auntie Alice:
Hi there! I am writing this letter to tell you and to ask you something, My friends of SPLAT and I we are going to visit London soon and I was writing this to you to ask you if we can stay there whit you for a few days, the reason why we are going is to went whit Dinah to an important computer competition of the game ''The Octopus Dare''. You must be thinking ''What is SPLAT?'', well SPLAT is a secret group whit my friends to protect the school from The Demon Headmaster an Evil ''human'' that was in charge of our school, we all will be very thanked whit you if you let us stay whit you especialy Dinah because she asked us to go whit her, hope you get my letter see you in London.
Lloyd Hunter
Hi there! I am writing this letter to tell you and to ask you something, My friends of SPLAT and I we are going to visit London soon and I was writing this to you to ask you if we can stay there whit you for a few days, the reason why we are going is to went whit Dinah to an important computer competition of the game ''The Octopus Dare''. You must be thinking ''What is SPLAT?'', well SPLAT is a secret group whit my friends to protect the school from The Demon Headmaster an Evil ''human'' that was in charge of our school, we all will be very thanked whit you if you let us stay whit you especialy Dinah because she asked us to go whit her, hope you get my letter see you in London.
Lloyd Hunter
lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013
Voicethread for speaking project
That's the link of our voicethread with the powerpoint
Volunteering trips
Destination: U.S.A
Activities: Hauling up buckets of dirt, the chance to find pottery shards, turquoise, beads and other remmants of this ancient community, a tour of Mesa Verde National Park.
Trip: Biosphere Expedition
Destination: Oman, Slovakia, Azores and Honduras
Activities: Work with scientists as they protect the Arabian leopard of Oman, wolf of Slovakia, whales of Azores and the reef of Honduras.
Trip: Sierra Club
Destination: Colorado, Aspen and Colo.
Activities: Maintain Trails, cleanup trash and restore woodland.
Trip: Cross Cultural Solutions
Destination: Morocco, Peru, Costa Rica, China, Guatemala and Brazil
Activities: Volunteer in orphanages, child care centers, schools. Also a teen volunteering program, teaching young artists. Also teaching english, empowering woman in Guatemala, helping with childcare in Brazil or giving a hand to rebuild a community in Peru.
Trip: Global citizens network
Destination: Kenya, Nepal, Guatemala and Minnesota
Activities: Build a medical clinic in Kenya, construct a roof for Tibetan Refugees in Nepal, weaving in Guatemala and harvesting rice in minnesota.
Trip: Habitat for Humanity
Destination: New Orleans, Cameroon, Malaysia, Paraguay and Romania
Activities: building programs and works to improve cities after a natural disaster.
Trip: Earthwatch
Destination: 49 countries and 18 States.
Activities: Study rhesus monkey feeding behaviour in Nepal, map coastal wetlands in the Polynesiam kingdom of Tonga, help protect the pacific grey whales in british Columbia, or excavate mammoths in South Dakota at a site which has been a museum educating 100.000 tourists a year about issues of extinction.
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013
[hek-tik] Show IPAsched·ule
[skej-ool, -oo
a plan of procedure, usually written, for a proposed objective, especially with reference to the sequence of and time allotted for each item or operation necessary to its completion: The schedule allows three weeks for this stage.
a series of things to be done or of events to occur at or during a particular time or period: He always has a full schedule.
a timetable.
a written or printed statement of details, often in classified or tabular form, especially one forming an appendix or explanatory addition to another document.
Obsolete . a written paper.
[hang-ing] Show IPA
the act, an instance, or the form of capital punishment carried out by suspending one by the neck from a gallows, gibbet, or the like, until dead.
Often, hangings. something that hangs or is hung on the walls of a room, as a drapery or tapestry.
a suspending or temporary attaching, as of a painting: a careless hanging of pictures.
verb (used without object)
to break up, turn over, or remove earth, sand, etc., as with a shovel, spade, bulldozer, or claw; make an excavation.
to make one's way or work by or as by removing or turning over material: to dig through the files.
verb (used with object)
to break up, turn over, or loosen (earth, sand, etc.), as with a shovel, spade, or bulldozer (often followed by up ).
to form or excavate (a hole, tunnel, etc.) by removing material.
to unearth, obtain, or remove by digging (often followed by up or out ).
to find or discover by effort or search.
to poke, thrust, or force (usually followed by in or into ): He dug his heel into the ground.
verb (used without object)
to go down or rest on the knees or a knee.
the action or position of kneeling
[hawl] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to pull or draw with force; move by drawing; drag: They hauled the boat up onto the beach.
to cart or transport; carry: He hauled freight.
to cause to descend; lower (often followed by down ): to haul down the flag.
to arrest or bring before a magistrate or other authority (often followed by before, in, to, into, etc.): He was hauled before the judge.
verb (used without object)
to pull or tug.
to go or come to a place, especially with effort: After roistering about the streets, they finally hauled into the tavern.
to do carting or transport, or move freight commercially.
Nautical .
to sail, as in a particular direction.
to draw or pull a vessel up on land, as for repairs or storage.
(of the wind) to shift to a direction closer to the heading of a vessel ( opposed to veer ).
(of the wind) to change direction, shift, or veer (often followed by round or to ).
pottery shards
Piece of broken pottery
[beed] Show IPA
a small, usually round object of glass, wood, stone, or the like with a hole through it, often strung with others of its kind in necklaces, rosaries, etc.
a necklace of beads: You don't have your beads on this evening.
a rosary.
Obsolete . devotions; prayers.
any small globular or cylindrical body.
a drop of liquid: beads of moisture.
a bubble rising through effervescent liquid.
[loj-ing] Show IPA
accommodation in a house, especially in rooms for rent: to furnish board and lodging.
a temporary place to stay; temporary quarters.
a room or rooms rented for residence in another's house.
British . the rooms of a university student who lives neither on campus nor at home.
the act of lodging.
Usually, wares.
articles of merchandise or manufacture; goods: a peddler selling his wares.
any intangible items, as services or products of artistic or intellectual creativity, that are salable: an actor advertising his wares.
a specified kind or class of merchandise or of manufactured article (usually used in combination): silverware; glassware. See also -ware.
pottery, or a particular kind of pottery: delft ware.
Archaeology . a group of ceramic types classified according to paste and texture, surface modification, as burnish or glaze, and decorative motifs rather than shape and color.
[uh-ley] Show IPA
verb (used with object), al·layed, al·lay·ing.
to put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest; calm; quiet.
to lessen or relieve; mitigate; alleviate: to allay pain.
[im-pov-er-isht, -pov-risht] Show IPA
reduced to poverty.
(of a country, area, etc.) having few trees, flowers, birds, wild animals, etc.
deprived of strength, vitality, creativeness, etc.: an impoverished attempt at humor.
verb (used with object)
to strike repeatedly with great force, as with an instrument, the fist, heavy missiles, etc.
to produce or effect by striking or thumping, or in a manner resembling this (often followed by out ): to pound out a tune on the piano.
to force (a way) by battering; batter (often followed by down ): He pounded his way through the mob. He pounded the door down.
to crush into a powder or paste by beating repeatedly.
verb (used without object)
to strike heavy blows repeatedly: to pound on a door.
to beat or throb violently, as the heart.
to give forth a thumping sound: The drums pounded loudly.
to walk or go with heavy steps; move along with force or vigor.
an assemblage of articles that equip a person for a particular task, role, trade, etc.: an explorer's outfit.
a set of usually matching or harmonious garments and accessories worn together; coordinated costume; ensemble: a new spring outfit.
a set of articles for any purpose: a cooking outfit.
a group associated in an undertaking requiring close cooperation, as a military unit.
a business firm engaged in a particular form of commercial enterprise: a construction outfit.
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