1.- Racist Graffiti:
Probably located at some city near the frontier with Mexico, it aims to all the inmigrants that come from southamerica, you can clearly see the purpose behind the graffiti is to, somehow, intimidate the "Latinos" to leave the country.
2.- Anti-racist poster:
Found anywhere on the internet, propably as a sign or at TV. The idea is to communicate everyone that sees it to, as it says, "stop racism from invading football"
3.- Photo of a teen Muslim:
She is “different” to me because of her religión, we can see
that she is a muslim, i think that she might find hard to fit in the chilean
society, nota all, but there are a lot of people that dont like being closet o people
who are different and cant even trust people who have different race/religión/appeareance.